Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Brandon Moore

As all of you know, we are currently mourning the loss of one of our true friends. I know I'm not in any position to be writing anything about Brandon, but i feel that someone needs to tell the world what a great person we all have lost.

For those of you who don't know, Brandon was a dealer at Ameristar. He also played regularly at Harrah's, usually $3-$6, but sometimes $1-$2 NL.

He lived to have fun. And that he did. Brandon was always smiling. No matter what the situation, you could always count on him to brighten up the mood. Everyone says he was known for his smile, and i have to agree, he never stopped smiling.

I'll never forget one time i was sitting at a table he was dealing. We were going back and forth giving each other trouble. A player at the table, a lady, said that we should not be doing that to each other, she thought we were serious. We just told her that we had "Mutual Dealer Disrespect" for each other. And that's how things were with him. Why be serious when you can laugh at everything?

Like i said, I'm not the one to be writing about him, but i can say that he was a friend to me. He will always be a friend to me.

We'll all miss you Brandon. Good bye my friend.

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