Monday, February 5, 2007

Robo Cop

The game. $1-$2 NL Hold Em.

I'm fresh in the game, and sitting on $206. I had bought in only a few minutes earlier for $200. Its a brand new game, and we are MAYBE 15 hands into the game.

The Villains in the hand are as follows:

#1: A middle aged man, sitting on about $350. I don’t know him, and I haven't gotten any real information on him so far. If he's true to form for this game, he is a below average, passive player.

#2: Early to Mid 20's guy. I’ve seen him around the room a lot, and played with him a few times. He's a COMPETENT player. He's definitely not bad, but has never done anything to particularly catch my eye. He's sitting on about $200, just like me.

The Hand:I’m in seat 2 in the BB, villain #1 is in the 5 seat, and villain #2 is on the button in the 10 seat. A few players limp, and villain #2, the button raises to $12 total. Folds to me, I call with 44, thinking if I hit my set, and he's got a big pair, I have an early double up. villain #1 also calls.

The Flop:3 5 Q two clubs.

I think to myself, "I called to hit a set, but I might be able to take this down right now." there's $40 out there, why not take a shot?

I bet $25, both call.

The turn:off suit 2. now the board reads 3 5 Q 2

hell, now I'm open ended. I have the betting lead, and I'm going to call a bet anyway, from out of position this is a tough play. screw it, ill name my price. I bet $50.villain #1 calls pretty quickly. and villain #2 thinks about it a few moments before calling.

I really don’t know where #1 is at, but I'm really not concerned with him for some reason. he just doesn’t appear to be very strong at all. but, when #2 was in the tank, it told me he had something. whether it be 10-10, J-J, or even an over pair like A-A or K-K, he was scared. he did NOT want to call the $50 on the turn. he could even had A-K, and had fallen in love with it.The River:5 of clubs. paired the board, and completed the flush draw.

I was planning on being done with this hand if I missed the river. but what a bluff card! don’t forget I was in the big blind. I could very easily have 3-5, 2-5, hell even A-5 or any 5 for that matter, AND I would bet a flush draw the same way, sometimes. I felt like this was my out.

I have $110 left, and I push it in. #1 folds immediately. and #2 thinks FOREVER! seriously, it was the longest I have ever had to sit and wait for someone. he says, "that 5 had to come, didn’t it?"

that really made me think. if he had A-A or K-K or anything for that matter, it should make him feel stronger, it gave him 2 pair. unless he specifically put me on a 5, or a flush draw. he counts out his chips and has $100 left, and makes a big crying call. he actually stood up and was ready to walk out.I just say, "Good call sir, you call, you win."

This guy rolls over, get this... Q 2 off suit. he raises pre flop. flops top pair, calls, turns two pair, and now I see why he didn’t want to CALL, then he gets counterfeited on the river. he cant beat ANYTHING after that 5 of clubs falls.

I think this is a VERY good hand to talk about. Its cool because it went from a call to try to hit a set, to a steal, to a semi bluff, to a stone cold nothing all-in.

This guys new nickname is ROBOCOP, cuz i fired 3 bullets, and he kept coming. Comments please!

1 comment:

Mike Major said...

Interesting hand, and I will probably come back and post more later. At first look though (and this is a quick first glance... gotta go to class), I think you got in way over your head with the
"3 bullets". Again, I'm not going to go into too much detail, but with 2 callers, and one that you actually respect a fair amount as a player, your moves were good moves, but unneccesary given the situation. You certianly could have saved your money and waited for a MUCH better spot. I like the final bet though... at that point, given the amount you had put into the pot, and the information you've relayed, I think it is a strong move ... and it sounds like it nearly worked.