Thursday, March 15, 2007

No Blog Topic

First of all I must say, John Adams, back to back $4,000 nights. Wow! I just cant explain it. You all know what I'm talking about. Just when you think he's been caught bluffing, he turns over the nuts, and felts someone. Ya, that's it, what more can ya say?

Anyway, I originally started this blog to tell people, and gather their information, on strange and interesting things that i see in the poker room. I've come to realize that's it's not that interesting. Not that it's not that interesting, it's just not worth taking the time or effort for me to write about most of it.

So, here's the KNEW subject of my blog: First there was "Headlines" with Jay Leno, then came the "Top Ten List" with Letterman. Now there is...


I cannot tell you how many totally moronic, and assinain things i hear people say in the room. Whether it's about poker, life, or just stupid question they ask. Granted most of the time it's a $1-$2 NL with about $80 worth of white chips in front them, analyzing a hand that SOMEONE ELSE has just played. Most of the time they are just totally wrong, and it takes everything in my power not to come across the table and strangle the life out of them.

I'm telling you all up front, I'm not sure who all reads this, but you WILL BE A TARGET! I'm not holding anything back. If you say something idiotic, expect to see it up here, with you name at the top. I truly hope i offend all of you. After all, you DESERVE IT!

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