Sunday, April 8, 2007

Need Some Input

I've tried to avoid posting particular hands, and focusing more on the "broad" topic of poker, and poker stories. But now I have a hand that has really been bothering me. And, no Chuck, it's not a bad beat story.

I say it's not a bad beat story, it may however be a bad beat, I'm actually not sure. And that is the subject of this post. I want feedback!

The game is $3-$6 Omaha Hi Lo at Ameristar. Pretty soft game, I must say.

I'm on the kill, so I'm commited for $6 preflop. 3 players call, and I check.

I have: 7h 8d Ks Qs

The flop is:

5s 6h 9d

I flop the nut straight on a rainbow board.

Small Blind bets out. I know hes betting A-2. I don't want to drive the other two out, so i just call. The guy behind me raises. Player 4 folds, and the original bettor calls. I decide to call, just to see what happens on turn. The guy behind me is pretty tight. I actually put him on 7-8 as well, but with a low. So i don't wanna get killed when i get quartered. I'm thinking i was wrong here, lol.

So the turn comes the Js.

The board reads: 5s 6h 9d Js

NOW, i have the nuts, with a gut shot to the 10 for the "new" nuts, AND second nut backdoor spades. I'm LOVING my hand.

Small Blind checks, I check, guy bets, SB calls, NOW I check raise. Guy 3 bets, and SB goes all in for whatever it was. I cap it, he calls.

River blows ass! 5d. Not only do i miss both my new draws, it pairs the board. No big deal though, i put him on 7-8 with me, at least the low didn't get there.

I just check, i don't get raised unless he can beat me, so there's no point in betting. We are either chopping, or I'm losing.

Yup, he filled up. But here's the thing...

His hand: 6d 6c As 2s

He flopped a set with the nut low draw. Turned the NUT flush draw, crushing my K high spades, and rivered a full house.

Was my play profitable at all? I mean, i think i played it alright, not knowing what he had, but if the cards were face up, what should i have done? I had no shot at a low, he had the nut low. And he had the spade re-draw with his full house draw.

The way i see it is, he had 14 outs for the WHOLE pot and 10 more to chop. 14 outs counts the 2 spades in my hand and 10 takes into account the spades hes drawing at for the flush, and the 7-8 in my hand. So in other words, he has 24 LIVE outs for at least half the pot. In his mind, he has like 28 outs for half.

I think i just got a nose bleed from trying to figure all that shit out. God I love this game!

Anyway, if you can give me your views/opinions, I'd appreciate them. Thanks.