Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I Love PLO!

Well, this has been a pretty uneventful last couple of days. But i went into work tonight and the $5-$5 Pot Limit Omaha game was FIRED UP! Everyone had deep stacks, and i pushed many of $3,000-$5,000 pots. They were really going at it. At one point, Pat bet $1,700 on the river, with a board of Q, 6, 7, 9, 10 with 3 hearts, the third being the 10 on the river. Scott shows his KQ of hearts, second nuts, and makes a crying call. And of course Pat turns over the A5 of hearts, NUTS! Its just so nasty, because 99 out of 100 times, Pat makes the same bet on the river, with only the naked Ace of hearts.

But i was really reminded of why i love this game, and how disgusting it really is, on this hand.

Several people limp in for the $5. A late position raiser makes it $25, and get 5 callers. So there's a pot of $125. The flop comes out...

K J A with the K and J of hearts.

it checks around to Kirby who is on the button. He bets the pot, $125. Everyone insta-folds. pretty boring eh? This is what really got me. Kirby just put his head down in disappointment. He says, "You're telling me NO ONE flopped the nuts?"

I was confused on why he wanted someone to flop the nuts, when he was the one betting. Until he turned his cards over...

A A 10 K with the A 10 of hearts. OH MY GOD!

Top set, gut shot to the nut straight, nut flush draw, and gut shot Royal Flush.

ONLY in Pot Limit Omaha, do you hope that someone has the nuts, when you bet into them. He wanted to get all of his $7,000 in the pot, on the flop, with someone who flopped the stones. GOD WHAT A GAME!

OK, that's about all i got for now. I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it. Full Tilt here i come!

Until next time, I'll see ya at the river.

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